Optionally you can create a new one by selecting or use you can proceed with option for a first test. Sign in using your existing Microsoft Windows Live Account by pressing.After restart of your computer run your new Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 for first start.Press to see selected features for installation.software development for Windows and databases) select the necessary components. Accept suggested component selection for minimum space requirements or for trial purposes only for all other purposes (e.g.Select option to enable selecting the components to be installed.Run setup application ( vs_community.exe on ISO image).How do I do that? Step 1: Install Visual Studio Software Please note that must have administrative privileges to install this software package. This acticle describes the basic installation and configuration process of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 (Update 4, German) using a downloaded ISO image. You can also use our refactoring, identification and troubleshooting functions.

You can easily explore details, such as the call structure, related features, checkins, and test status.

Visual Studio enables accurate and efficient code writing without losing the current date icon text.