Once you have done this, you can connect to your desktop or laptop from your mobile device and play the game as if you were using your computer. To use Google Remote Desktop, download and install the Google Chrome Remote Desktop extension on your desktop or laptop, and then install the Android app on your phone. However, there are workarounds available that allow you to play the game on your Android device through remote access applications like Google Remote Desktop. There is no official mobile version of the game for Android.

Why can’t i install MTG Arena in my phone?.NOTE: While MTG: Arena is on mobile, Wizards’ other online MTG game, MTGO ( Magic the Gathering Online) is not available on mobile. If you want to download Magic: The Gathering Arena, iPhone/iPad users head here, and Android users head here. Regardless, even if you don’t plan on taking it seriously, the mobile version is a great way to kill some time during work or your bus ride home. Of course, as time goes on, you might feel pressured to make in-game purchases, but that’s often the case with FTP games.

To tempt you even more, MTG: Arena is a free-to-play game, and starting out, you can earn a bunch of cards and decks for free. While the limited screen size is a bit annoying on longer-text cards, everything functions as it should. It uses touchscreen controls and honestly runs pretty smooth. While there have been bugs here and there, it has run pretty well on both Android and iOS. It released for both platforms in early 2021. You can download MTG: Arena on both Android and iOS. Magic: The Gathering is available on mobile. But did they? Is Magic: The Gathering on mobile? It would make sense, right? If there is a digital version of MTG on PC, it would be awesome if Wizards of the Coast also released a version for Android and iOS. Magic: The Gathering is a great TCG, and MTG: Arena is available from the Epic Games Store.